2 April 2018 - Just One of Those Girls

Today I visited my neurologist (3rd of 4 in person doctors' visits in the past month). We've been working to get past this migraine cycle I've had for a while (a month or so). I'm super happy with my medications, so we aren't changing it, and the doctor doesn't want to increase the dosage as my blood pressure is fairly low (but still healthy). What we did decide to do was change the breakdown of the dosage (from 2x a day to 3), continue with B12 supplements, and take a closer look at what I am eating.

I had already made some changes due to my podiatrist's recommendations:

  • cut most/all gluten out
  • cut most/all dairy out
I had already changed how often I eat for myself as well. So, we went over the details. For the sake of this post, I'll post a typical day in my food world. 
  1. Breakfast - 1-2 eggs + 1-2 turkey sausage/bacon/sausage
  2. Morning snack - fruit/seaweed/veggies and hummus
  3. Lunch - leftovers from the night before OR tuna fish
  4. Afternoon snack - veggies and hummus/jerky of some kind/fruit (often I have two small afternoon snacks)
  5. Dinner - chicken/beef (rarely pork) and veggies/salad
Occasionally I'll have a small amount of pasta with dinner. Last night, for example, I had a small amount of veggie pasta, a large amount of squash and peppers, and a homemade pasta sauce with ground beef. 

My neurologist has asked me to cut out anything extra that is a known cause of migraines. Fortunately, most of the list is stuff I don't eat anymore with the exception of the occasional cheese and breakfast meats. Besides the taste of breakfast meat, I like that I can put it on to cook and walk away for a little bit to finish getting dressed, but they have nitrates in them which can cause migraines. 

It's a conclusion I was already coming to on my own, but, I guess I'm just going to be one of those girls. I've always given thought about what I put into my body and considered a lot of factors, but my health has always been fairly good and I haven't had to worry. But... now that I've tasted what headache free life is like.... I can't give that up. 


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