20 February 2018 - One Week Later...

I guess my lack of words should have been a sign to me. Things kind of fell apart last Thursday in a very unexpected (kind of way), which leads me to another acronym: CDH (chronic daily headaches), which leads me to another kind of headache: migraines.

I woke up early Thursday morning (like 1 am) completely disoriented. I couldn't make sense of where my animals or boyfriend were, but, I shook it off and went back to sleep. Thursday morning (4:30 am), I woke up dizzy. Dizzy enough, in fact, that I couldn't actually stand for a few moments. But, I shook it off.

At school, our building has been hot for a week (darn Southern "winter"). Wednesday had been so hot that my students said I'd looked like I had done a cardio workout, I was sweating and red. Thursday was more of the same, but now with dizzy spells. The worst came just before my planning period. I was in the middle of a dictation and had to stop mid sentence and find my place again. I attributed it to the heat and drank some water.

During my planning, I ate lunch, and went about my business. About  30 minutes later, I started to feel queasy. I texted my boyfriend, as I was eating leftovers from dinner, but he felt fine. Within an hour, I was certain I was sick. Fortunately, a sub was found and within moments, I was on my way home, blasting the AC for relief.

The migraine itself (the pain of it at least) hit shortly after I got home. Quickly it worsened to include lightheadedness, blurred vision, and sensitivity to sound. So, I called out for Friday.

Friday was more of the same: going between hunger and queasiness, trying to move and handle the dizziness. By Saturday, it had relieved itself some. By Sunday, it was back. Monday was back and forth between symptoms and none. I checked in with my doctor at that point who has given it another 2 days. If it hasn't gone away by then, we'll take another step above the usual remedies.

I was diagnosed less than a year ago and have been treating my headaches both with a preventative and in the moment. They have lessened so much that I finally know what a headache free day is like and I haven't had one of those in over 10 years.

And that, despite the horribleness this last week has been, keeps me hopeful that this is just a glitch in the system of my brain. :)

BTW: Second Opinion on my feet later today!

Current Stats:

* yesterday's water intake: 36 ounces
* today's goal: 140 ounces

* pain level: 2-3 seated; 4-5 walking

* current mood: excited and nervous.


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