19 April 2018 - Picking Myself Up and Getting Ready + Vulture Medicine

This weekend we are taking a "trip". I say "trip" because it is a field trip with kiddos, to a 4H center. :)

After my post the other day, I've spent a good time thinking. I reviewed my motivations (which I have decorated in my bullet journal, and which is the background on my phone), I watched an episode of a show I frequent when I'm feeling down, and I spent some time yesterday immersed in art.

What I ultimately came to was this: Whether or not I am blaming myself and down on myself right now, I have to make a choice about this next day (and this weekend). I need to get ready and make choices that allow me to continue on my path.

Today's smile message was about taking time to notice the messages I was being given. Yesterday, on my way home from work, a vulture swooped down in front of my car. He was close enough that I could see his eyes and make out the colours of his neck and head. Clearly a message.

The vulture tells us to go through life making use of what is readily at hand. They have incredible eye sight to spot food that is ready for them. They are the great economic cleaners of our world, without whom our world would be wholly different.

The vulture also coasts through the air with little effort, reminding us to use what we have to find a way to solve problems.

So, how do I pick myself up and get ready...

This weekend is going to be stressful. I am a full on introvert with social anxiety, so being in crowds of shouting people is not my forte. This weekend is going to be out of my control. I've learned to control my movements for my ankles and my food for the things my doctors want. I will have little control over those things this weekend.

What I can do is use my resources and look ahead to what I know to make plans:

* bringing my own "non-perishable" snacks to ensure I eat when I need to. Fortunately, there is a store that focuses on local, and organic foods where I can get a few things that won't go bad without a refrigerator.
* I will have my water bottle with me, and an extra stash of water just in case.
* I will use the meal times to stock up on perishable things I know I can eat later like fruit.
* I will have my car in case I cannot walk.

Last year was very hard on my feet. While I am nervous about this year, I think I know more now and can plan better. Many thanks to the vulture.

Current stats:

yesterday's water intake: 74 ounces
today's goal - 74 ounces

Pain level - 4-5

Current mood - stressed


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