8 March 2018 - Do you have a busy Spring break? Now, let me see...

Spring break is in 3 weeks. Last night I was asked a few questions about my medical conditions and upcoming appointments (by an appropriate source). Questions I thought it would be interesting to answer in writing to get a full visual. This will also help prepare anyone reading for my next medical history post. So... let's break it down:

Pills taken Daily

  • AM pills - somewhere between 1 and 4 depending on pain level and allergy cycle. 
  • PM pills - somewhere between 4 and 6 depending on pain level and allergy cycle + a nasal spray that is medicated for allergies
  • Throughout the day pills - an additional 4-12 depending on pain level. 
  • Vitamins and Supplements - 4 -- two for a daily multivitamin that includes B12 (which I need), and a probiotic. 

Pills currently taking for certain circumstances

  • 6 today
  • 5 tomorrow
  • etc. etc.
I am currently in the middle of a migraine cycle. A special pack has been ordered for me to break the cycle. It is much like an anti-biotic, in that I take it for a certain amount of days, but it doesn't fight disease, it breaks the migraine cycle. I am currently on the last day of week 2 of a migraine. 

Pills I hope to have to stop taking soon

  • at least one of the allergy meds
  • an anti-inflammatory prescribed for my feet
  • Advil for my feet and headaches - I don't mind it on occasion, but we are approaching ridiculous. 

Doctor's visits in this and the next 4 weeks

  • three visits with my neurologist
  • one visit with my podiatrist
  • one visit with my psychologist
  • one visit (last week) with my primary care physician
  • one-two visits with a sleep study
As the source said to me last night, "wow... so, you are kind of busy?" Yes... kind of. I have a number of conditions, some of which I hope to not have to deal with at some point. Maybe, if I get the courage, I'll make a post on those conditions... For now though, just a brief (and somewhat vague for privacy) glimpse into the life of a person who is dealing with "business". 

Current Stats
* yesterday's water intake - ya... not sure... 
* today's water goal - 90 ounces

* pain level - 3-ish

* current mood - allergy ridden


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