23 March 2018 - Brown Thrush Medicine

So, I'm getting personal here. This is your "warning".

I have long struggled with my sense of spiritual self. I have looked at this from just about every angle - spiritual, historical, literary, scientific, etc. and there is still little that I am *certain* of. But, there are a few things I know, for sure:

  • Every living thing is aware. Every tree, every flower, every insect. Recent science proves it. Trees have been shown to move themselves and communicate with each other through their root systems. Dogs can have the intelligence of a seven year old child and wolf mothers mourn the loss of their pups. Elephants make friends for life and recognise each other even after years of abuse and separation. Cats understand us, they just don't care. 
  • Energy is important. We all have energy. Our energy effects us and those around us. Energy can have a huge impact on thoughts, words, and actions. Intent falls into this. 
  • There are messages everywhere.
So, the last point is the focus of today. I don't want to say too much, but I sincerely believe that we can find messages sent to us through nature. Whether it is seeing what we want, seeing what we need, or some other energy sending it to us, I don't know. What I do know is that there are messages there and today I want to share one I receive this morning. 


When I arrived at work this morning, I could hear a songbird through my car window. This is not abnormal towards the summer and well into the Spring, but this was the first morning I'd heard a songbird that early in 2018. I enjoy the songs birds sing and so I listened for a moment, but didn't think anything else of it. When I got out of the car and started walking in, I heard another bird of the same kind join in. The air kind of filled with their song. And then, as I passed by a tree, two brown thrush's took flight, quite suddenly, as if I'd disturbed them greatly. The other birds continued to sing. 

The brown thrush is Georgia's state bird. She has a song that typically repeats in sets of two and she is small, brown, and spotted. 

The brown thrush symbolises renewed joy. She calls us to be joyful, and also keenly aware. She inspires unhindered creativity and asks us to join her in song. She represents our soul purpose and, in the same vein, protection of our home and soul. She asks us to look for "coincidences" and make note. And... she is a harbinger of the Spring. 

Sure, we could say that Spring officially started 2 days ago and this is the way nature works (and it is), but there is a reason I heard and listened to the birds today and a reason that I chose to walk, in the cold, a little further to another door. There is a reason, despite it being freezing, that the birds chose to sing at 6:20 today. It is science and it is spirit. 

Today's stats
- yesterday's water intake - 70 ounces (YA)
- today's water goal - 90 ounces

- pain level - 5-6 (thank goodness for fuzzy socks)

- current mood - joyful


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