21 March 2018 - We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming...

... to bring you this real life day.

We had a series of serious storms move through the night before last. All five (yes 5) of our animals were beside themselves. On the positive side, I got to see each of their personalities:

Charlie is fairly stoic. He will come right up to you, nearly in your face to let you know that he is unsure, but once you comfort him and give him a warm spot, he won't budge again.

Chibs is a crier... and a shaker... and a worrier. He lets his discomfort be known and can shake an entire bed with his shivers.

Bao is also a crier. She will get mere centimeters from your face, put her paws near/on your head, and wake you up with the loudest meow she can muster. Then she will spend 20 minutes settling and finally fall asleep on your chest.

Li is a fairly chill animal no matter what. She will notice each light and sound in the sky and then decide to busy herself with "cleaning" your hair.

Lil Mane.... he is... a unique beast. With each crack of thunder, he came running into the room meowing as loudly as he possibly could. Then he'd jump into the cat tree and look at me as if to say "I wasn't scared, you were scared."

Needless to say, I got very little sleep that night. The next night, last night, wasn't great either. Which leads me to today.

Today started of fairly sh****. I ended up sitting on the couch, contemplating the purpose of my life in the frustration that is my ankles. I was already running late after a cat fight and I still had to put on my compression socks, braces, and shoes, which can take a while. I ended up leaving nearly 30 minutes after my intended time.

Work was nonstop. I didn't get my first cup of coffee until my 2nd/3rd class of the day. I ended up rushing out of school to make a last minute meeting with my tax person. I spent my dinner time balancing my plate in one hand, and 2-3 cats in the other (all who were more interested in my gluten-free chicken fajita than anything else). In fact, as I type this, I have a cat's tail resting on my arms. My phone is ringing... but the cat is sitting on it. To top it all off, I've got 3 more things on today's to do list, but the pain is too great in my ankles for me to do more. I'm also firmly in nearly a 4th week of a migraine cycle that my doctor and I haven't managed to break yet.

So, it's been one of those days.

But, when it comes down to it, it has been a really good day:

  1. There is no questioning it - I was f***ing productive today. 
  2. I upped my water intake again today! Nearly back on schedule!
  3. I woke up this morning surrounded by furry creatures who I love and vice versa
  4. That gluten free fajita... was... THE BOMB. 
  5. I got a HUGE tax burden off my back AND got my questions answered for next year already. 
  6. Having to rush off meant that while my chicken cooked in the crock pot, I could take a shower and wash my hair... 
  7. ... which means I got all my product in and it is drying now...
  8. ... which means I'll have amazing curl clumps in the morning! 
  9. As I type this, I get to watch my two pups play with each other while the cats sit up high and watch (or sit on my phone). 
  10. I am SO ready for bed. 
I need to type stuff like this out. I am not very good at being honest about when I'm too tired or worn out. I am also what some would call "deeply pessimistic". I readily admit that I find more solace and comfort in my animals than I do most people (really no offence intended here).

So now, I think I'll away to bed, where I'll enjoy a "guilty" pleasure... ANTM or The Hill reruns?


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