13 March 2018 - Oh crap... where's the wagon?

So, I fell off the water wagon, hard. And by the time I got up, the wagon was long gone - so to speak. I got so caught up in dealing with my migraine cycle (which included an increased caffeine intake), that I forgot about water a little. So much so, in fact, that I arrived at work today with a water bottle that is only half full. *facepalm*

But, I'll get back at it. I invested in a single cup coffee maker for my classroom in the hopes that a second cup of coffee during my planning period will help with a soda craving after school. I did, in fact, bring my water bottle today, so I will fill it here and make sure I drink it all - twice. :)

In other news, one of the things my doctor has recommended as we prepare to see if surgery is an option is a diet that includes a lot less gluten and dairy (but more on that later). I am about 3 weeks into this and am down 10 pounds. That is a lot, but with such a drastic diet change (I was brought up on knowing the goodness of milk and cheese :) ), I'm not sure what else could be expected.

My diet has never been awful, but the changes I've made have inspired a higher intake of fruit daily. I have never had a HUGE sweet tooth. I prefer chips over cookies... the darker the chocolate the better. But now, I enjoy the brightness of the fruit I'm eating. I credit, in part, the local farmer's box we receive every week in the mail. But, again, more on that later.

Today's stats:

yesterday's water intake - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
today's goal - 64 ounces

pain level - 3 + heat (compression socks, braces, tennis shoes, and a pair of pants)

current mood - determined

Miriam's recommendation:

Check out the Google radio station called "Uplifting Pop Motivation". It includes your standard pop music (but you can downvote anything you dislike. It also includes a variety of indie music and music by artists of colour. I am really enjoying it.


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