27 February 2018 - little and big hills

I hate New Year's Resolutions. Partly because I mark a few different New Year's each year. I have celebrated secular, lunar, Rosh Hashanah, Druid.... each marking something different. Personally, I prefer to mark the year with the seasons and, with each change, I notice a change in my goals and what I'm working towards and willing to do.

It's like each change represents a little hill, a fresh start, a place from which you can see all the potential obstacles and you think, "yes, I can do this."

Of course, when you reach the big hills, it isn't so easy to see the lay of the land.

I think, with the starting change of this season (however early it may be), I feel more confident about those big hills. I feel like I have a little more support now to get over them, even if clumsily.

It's a different landscape.


* yesterday's water intake - 12 ounces (ouch!)
* today's goal - 90 ounces

* pain level - 2-3 sitting; 5+ walking

* current mood - productive


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