14 February 2018 - Another Dawn

Feeling more awake mentally today than I have all week, which I think is good. I'm going to count that as a win. :)

I am also really thankful for my neighbour teacher who helped turn the light on and is always in the hall between classes. It especially helps when I am dealing with my braces or in pain.

Today, I am hoping to rest my feet a little. I stood all day yesterday to do story listening (where I retell/tell a story to my kiddos and draw while I do so). It was a much needed activity as the flu and respiratory infections have been making the rounds pretty seriously at our school and it has been a while since all the kids were in my room to hear and read these stories. I am paying the price today, in exhaustion and pain, but I cannot say it wasn't worth it.  Getting to talk to my kids in Latin, make jokes, and see them enjoy the language is one of my favourite things.

So, today we will be doing some interactive games to get another perspective on how they are doing with the language and our stories. Hopefully I can work mostly from my chair and really rest my feet.

I am frustrated that my pain can affect my teaching. I feel like a bad teacher when it affects it greatly or when I am so tired that I do not feel like I can do my best. It doesn't mean I don't do everything I can.

I have my second opinion next week. I am hoping to get a real solution to the issue, instead of the "stop walking" command I've gotten, but more of a reflection on that later...

Today's stats:

* yesterday's water intake - 74 ounces
* goal water intake - 140 ounces

* pain level - 4 when seated (with soreness throughout my legs); 6-8 when standing/walking (shots of pain through my feet and ankles)

* current mood - determined


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