17 May 2018 - New Summer, new adventures

I have spent this Spring rediscovering my creative side. I have embarked more fully into bullet journaling, discovered the wonders of water colour, gotten ideas for my next time being in charge of Latin I, started keeping this journal, and dived back into (headlong) snail mail.

It is a lot of work, but it is so calming and so rewarding. I am feeding many sides of my being:

  • My acute sense of organisation - I live in a constant state of both chaos and utterly annoying organisation. I have laundry everywhere, but in my closet, each item has a specific way it is folded and placed. Shirts in the back on the second shelf, dresses from left to write, long sleeve to sleeveless. etc. I keep a meticulous bullet journal (bujo), but right now my study is in such chaos from the move that I cannot get to my desk.

    I am feeding this through my journaling and how I am organising my classroom. I am very excited to make some changes to the layout of my room next year that should help me address some of my personal concerns (RBF anyone?) and also my need of privacy and separation from the area my kids sit in.
  • My love of colour - I go through phases. Sometimes I wear a lot of black and other times, I play with complimentary colours. I have not really waded into patterns except through my washi tape. I love colour though. As I discover what things I really like, I find a particular love of purple and rose gold. I am slowly transitioning my workspace to be a more refined representation of these colours and I am working within my creative space to fully explore what I enjoy
  • My desire for better handwriting - It is the every day struggle of left handed folk. We can't write in regular notebooks well due to our hands running into binding, spirals, and smearing ink everywhere. But, my struggle continues. I recently discovered a set of pens that allow me to practise different styles of writing. I probably practise pangrams twice a week and, with the NLHS ceremony, and senior letters, I've hand calligraphied over 100 names onto certificates and letters.

    As frustrating as it is, it is also a lot of fun. I have found that, particularly at work, if I need a break, writing out pangrams and trying to copy the style of writing is instantly calming and my brain resets. Of course, getting back to work can often be.... well, a serious procrastination.
  • Meditation and Relaxation through art - I have always wanted to be an artist. I have played with oil paints, acrylics, DIY crafts, and photography. I have also been discouraged a lot. For some reason, that creative bug hit me again. I started with my bujo and slowly expanded to include sketching, mixed media art, and water colour. This summer, my partner is going to reintroduce me to photography. Particularly, photography of nature and animals. I have found it to be very relaxing and meditative. Sometimes I have a goal of what I want to represent and other times I go in wanting to play and see what comes forth. Either way, an intention becomes very clear very quickly. I love it.

    In April, I did a sketch a day. In May, it has been harder, due to school requirements and a need for actual rest, but... I have done a bit of mixed media art and started pressing flowers to use in art. When I hit my next weight goal, I will buy myself a nice set of dry water colours and brushes.
  • My desire to live a greener life - Who would have thought that my love for these things could help me find ways to live a greener life (in some aspects). By doing mixed media art, I am finding ways to reuse and reduce what I use. Instead of sticking just to paint brushes, I have explore reusing things like bubble wrap, sponges, plastic cards, and even wet wipes that were bought for a specific trip and not fully used. I have found uses for old scrapbooking supplies that I was considering throwing out. I have found ways to recycle old pages from books (that aren't worth anything, no worries), magazines, and packing supplies. Recently I used a page from my farmer's almanac, a picture from a set of instructions for some tea, and some old transfer stickers in a piece of mixed media art. 
So, summer is coming. I am continuing to go down this path and to enjoy this journey. I look forward to starting new adventures as I meet my goals.... Surprisingly, this summer feels like a fresh page. That rarely happens for me. 

Current stats:

yesterday's water intake - 64 ounces
Today's water goal - 90 ounces

pain level - 3

current mood - verge of stressed, remaining calm

Miriam's recommendation - a nap


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